Sunday, April 19, 2009

Laughing Again

I am so happy that I sometimes cant even stand being with myself. Over a year ago if someone told me that I would have what I have today I would have probably slapped them for being a cruel liar! I am living in PIG town Virginia (Smithfield) and I love it. I love living in the country...I am practicing for my return to Southern Illinois.

For those of you who are trying to keep up with me..I am divorced..(yes AGAIN) God works in mysterious ways that is for sure!! I have an AMAZING boyfriend (am i too old to say boyfriend?) He is from Chicago.

I am back to editing TV shows..trying to get a picture taking business off and running...and pretty much just enjoying my life essentially starting over. Things are good!
(sorry you have to look up my nose to know that I am happy)


  1. Super excited you're on here.....good to hear things are turning to your favor again, you deserve it.

    Can't wait to see pictures posted.
    Hope to see you again soon.

  2. Yes, I can tell you are happy! You deserve only the best in life....hope to see you soon.

  3. In case you are wondering who in the Haiti is ADUBJDUBSMOM.......Aunt Frankie

  4. I'm go excited your on here too!!! I'm so happy that your happy!! I hope you get to blog often so I can keep up with you!!!!

